Tuition & Fees
Admissions-related Fees
All fees are non-refundable
Application Fee: Fee paid by Applying Students each school year to officially start the process of admittance to FIA. Typically the interview has already taken place.
The application fee is to be paid concurrently with the submission of the application form. The registrar will verify that this fee has been paid prior to processing this application. This must be paid in cash to the cashier in the business office who will then take the verification documentation to the registrar.
Currently the fee is ₱5,000 for first student in the family and ₱4,000 for additional siblings.
Registration Fee: Fee paid by Returning and Continuing Students each school year for families to ensure re-enrollment of their children at FIA. Applying Students do not pay this fee. (Currently ₱3,500 for first student in the family and ₱3,000 for additional siblings.)
Assessment Fee: If it is determined that an applying student will require testing (English or Ability placement), a ₱3,000 testing fee must be paid. This fee applies to category II & III families only. Category I families are exempt from this fee. This fee must be paid prior to the administration of the test.
Capital Fees: A capital fee is charged for each student per year (PHP ₱222,500).
Tuition Fees for SY 2024-2025
High School (9-12) | ₱515,900 |
Middle School (6-8) | ₱485,700 |
Elementary (K-5) | ₱440,500 |
Generous discounts are possible for families serving serving full time with evangelical NGO’s and Mission Organizations.
Please contact FIA directly with details of your family's situation for more specific information.
If you choose a QUARTERLY or MONTHLY schedule, initial payment of 30% of your annual fee is due August 9th or before.
Late fees are at the discretion of the Executive Team and will not exceed double the application fees.
Fees are calculated using a School Quarter as the smallest increment.
Payments for accounts can be made in either Peso or USD through cash, cheque, and online transfers. Please note that Dragonpay transactions are limited to Peso only.
Application, Registration and Assessment Fees are non-refundable.
Important Payment Dates:
December 20, 2024
50% of Tuition and Capital fees paid (no report card can be given if a family has not paid 50%). At least 50% must be paid before the student can begin 2nd semester.
March 28, 2025
100% of Tuition and Capital fees paid (no report card or transcripts can be given if a family has not paid 100% by March 31, 2025)
To ensure FIA's smooth operation, timely fee payments are crucial. If 50% of tuition and capital fees are not settled by December 20, 2024, your account will be suspended from charging expenses. Cash payments for all services, including lunch and uniforms, will be required until the balance is met by March 28, 2025.
All families will not be allowed to incur any expenses against their school accounts for the final month of the school year (May 2025). Any expense incurred during that time will need to be paid for in cash (i.e. school lunches, yearbooks, uniform).
All accounts must be a fully cleared before students can receive their final report card or any transcripts.
For the 2025-2026 school year, unpaid 2024-2025 balances must be cleared before children can begin classes. Thank you for your cooperation.
**PARENTS SHOULD EXPECT AN INCREASE OF 2-3% in tuition fees in line with the Consumer Price Index (CPI)when estimating future years fees**