FIA community members are automatically considered library patrons. FIA community members include students (full- and part-time), supported and paid staff members and their spouses, school volunteers, parents, and siblings of current students.
Homeschool missionary families in Davao who wish to check out materials from the FIA library must first register with the office and pay a ₱3,750.00 deposit and a ₱1,250.00 annual library fee. (Registration for half or only for the summer includes the ₱3,750.00 deposit but only ₱1,250.00 for the library fee.) The deposit is refundable, minus the cost for any lost or damaged books. The person/family may then check out materials following the library procedures; a maximum of 10 items per family may be checked out at a time. Any violation of the guidelines may result in privileges being revoked without reimbursement of the fees. (If the family drives on campus, a ₱110.00 FIA car sticker must also be purchased from the business office.)
Library Hours
The library is open as library personnel are available for students doing homework or parents wanting to check out books. The library class schedule is posted, please refer to that so classes are not interrupted. No adults or children other than school personnel should be in the library when there is a class.
Part-time families may stop in before or after their class (if there is no class ongoing and the librarian is available). Homeschool families are permitted to use the library during the scheduled homeschool time.
Checkout Procedures
Books are checked out for a period of two weeks. Books may be renewed once.
Magazines - current issues of magazines (in plastic covers) may not be checked out. They are for in-library reading only.
Atlases - The large atlases may not be checked out.
DVDs and CDs may be checked out for one week. Only adults & HS students may check out videos. They may not be renewed.
Index books may not be checked out.
Checkout Limitations
All students are limited in the number of books they can take by class:
Number of Books
If a child has an overdue book or a fine of over 50 pesos, he is not allowed to check anything out until the books are returned or fine paid.
Adults are limited to 10 items. Homeschool families are limited to 10 books for each paid library account.
No one may check materials out for someone else (unless they’re a parent and checking out for their child) and a patron may not check out materials under someone else’s name.
Checkout Renewals
Items may be renewed a maximum of 1 time.
A patron may not renew a book if he has any other books overdue or if he has an unpaid fine (except grades K-2). These items must be cleared up before further checkout.
Overdue Procedures and Fines
A fine of P5.00 per day is charged for overdue books. Fines are paid in the business office; bring your receipt to the librarian for the library system to be updated. Students with overdue books or library fines at the end of each quarter will not receive their report card until their library account is settled.
The Library Catalog
The library catalog is available online for students, teachers, and parents to use from any computer. The website is https://fia.follettdestiny.com/. From this database one can search the catalog to see which books are available within the library.
Reserving or Holding Material
Library patrons may reserve books (place a hold) if they are not already on the shelves.
Lost or Damaged Materials
Lost or damaged library materials must be reported to the librarian immediately. Some damaged books can be repaired easily if caught early, so please make sure the librarian is aware of the damage. If the book is beyond repair, the library patron will be charged the repair or replacement cost of the item.
High School Library
If the library staff is not available to check out books, please sign your name and barcode number on the checkout sheet on the librarian’s desk.
Library Computers
Library computers are available for student use for research. During high school study hall, students completing school work have priority for computer use. Adults may only use library computers after school hours if students do not need them.