Foundational Statements
Purpose Statement
FIA exists to prepare students to live for God in His world through a Christ-centered education, thereby allowing families to serve the Lord wherever He places them.
Vision Statement
To be a Christ-centered, multicultural, academic learning community that nurtures students and staff to be faithful disciples of Christ in the world
Core Value
Our core value at FIA is to be like Christ, for example, being prayerful, caring, faithful, diligent and thankful.
Philosophy of Education
We believe that each individual, being created in the image of God, is of supreme worth. We believe that the dignity and worth of the individual should be respected. We believe that students vary as to inherent and acquired capabilities and that these differences must be taken into consideration in the education process:
To encourage each student to put his/her trust in Christ, and to grow toward fullness and maturity in Him as stated in the Scriptures.
To provide opportunities for citizenship training and character development for effective participation in the family and society.
To include those experiences and activities for each pupil which will lead to the enrichment of his own life, through his spiritual, moral, social, intellectual, physical and aesthetic development.
To assist students in understanding the changing conditions in the world from a Christian viewpoint, and to prepare them to think through their obligations as Christians in new situations.
To provide students with opportunities for direct involvement in the life and ministry of the body of Christ.
Statement of Faith
We believe in one true God, eternally existent in three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the same in substance and equal in power and glory.
We believe in the complete humanity and deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, sinless life, miracles, vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood on the cross, bodily resurrection, ascension to the right hand of the Father, and future personal return in power and glory.
We believe that the Holy Spirit indwells and empowers all believers and enables them to live a godly life.
We believe that the Bible is inspired and inerrant, that all 66 books of the Old and New Testament are God's complete written revelation to mankind, the only infallible authority in all matters of faith and practice.
We believe that through Adam's sin all have inherited a sinful nature and therefore all choose to sin. All are thus sinners and deserving of death.
We believe that salvation of lost and sinful man is only by the grace of God through personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ alone, accomplished through regeneration by the Holy Spirit.
We believe that our sins block our fellowship with God. As we confess those sins, God forgives us and our fellowship is restored.
We believe in the resurrection of the body, the judgment of the world by our Lord Jesus Christ, the eternal blessedness of the saved, and the eternal punishment of the lost.
We believe that saving faith in Jesus Christ unites all Christians as members of the body of Christ. Such a position brings both privileges and responsibilities before God and toward one another in the Christian life.
Statement of Unity
As an interdenominational school, it is recognized that there are some doctrinal matters not covered in the Statement of Faith which differ in the mission community. In order to promote unity in the Christian and school community, FIA asks that its personnel:
Be respectful of personnel and students who hold differing views on doctrinal issues; agreement on the Statement of Faith should guide and balance discussion of differences.
Be respectful of the parents’ responsibility to teach their own children and not attempt to convince a student to take a position different from that taught in the home.
Be allowed freedom to share their personal doctrinal views when appropriate.
As a multicultural school immersed in Filipino culture, it is recognized there are many areas of social conduct that are viewed differently because of our diverse backgrounds. In order to promote unity in the community, FIA asks its Community to show sensitivity and discretion in exercising personal freedoms.
Schoolwide Learning Results (SLRs)
Creative and Critical Thinkers who:
search for and integrate God’s truth in all aspects of life & learning
solve complex problems
analyze, interpret, evaluate and synthesize information
Self-directed Learners who:
pursue Truth through studying the Bible
understand and apply a body of knowledge and skills
demonstrate intellectual curiosity
access information as a tool for lifelong learning
Proficient Collaborators who:
work and learn cooperatively with others
show respect for commonalities and differences in areas such as cultures and points of view
Skillful Communicators who:
interact with information and ideas through listening, speaking, reading, writing, using technology and symbolic representation (pictorial, graphic, musical etc.)
learn and convey Biblical concepts and truths
Faithful Stewards who:
understand the need for discipline and balance in all areas of life
contribute their time and talents to serve their families, communities, and all nations
take care of the resources God has entrusted to them